Monday, April 27, 2020

The Ugliest Art I Have Ever Made

For the last few weeks I have been using up my horde of old postage stamps to make an artist’s book.   As a rule, I have avoided using any postage stamps depicting dictators and despots.  A few obscure Warsaw Pact strongmen may have slipped in, but I have done my best.  I had a few hundred stamps featuring Francisco Franco — those were all put aside.  Most of the Spanish Franco stamps were orange.
I began by cutting and then reassembling them into a collage.  And then, something frightening happened when I looked at my work of art from across the room.
There he was emerging from the collage, the hideous, corrupt, demented orange dictator.
This is the ugliest work of art I have ever made.
The Orange Dictator, Mixed media on board, 8"x8"

1 comment:

  1. He is everywhere and always right.
    A mass cult. We are doomed.
